Copenhagen, Denmark
Photographer: Katrine Rohrberg
Danish-Norwegian brothers Balder, (7), and Robin, (1), share this room, where dinosaurs take center stage next to fishing rods, musical toys, lots of books and little treasures.
Explore this wonderful blue room, found in a just-as-wonderful apartment in Nørrebro, Copenhagen.

Balder's rattan bed, which is vintage, is placed close to the window, surrounded by a lamp from Artemide, a papier-mache fox on the wall, and the Charlie Chair in sky blue next to it. The blue rug and pillows on the bed are all from Aiayu.
The best things about my room is
well, let me think.. Must be my many dinosaurs. And my Jurassic World.
What I dislike most about my room is
that I still have all my old toys in here, that I no longer play with.
I love to play with
LEGO! I have a lot of LEGO stored under my bed.
My favourite weekend activity is
to go fishing with my family. I have my own fishing rod, which can be extended to a full size fishing rod.
On my wishlist is
a giant action-thing filled with action figures.
"My favourite colour is red, and I love McDonald's"
- Balder, 7 years old

Fishing rods, books, games, a disco ball and a huge dinosaur wall sticker make up this corner of the room.

A yellow mushroom lamp is placed next to Robin's crib on a little light blue stool.

Grimm's birthday ring sits in the window, ready for the big day.

A large collection of dinosaurs are placed on top of a vintage cabinet. Poster by Babar hangs above.

A homemade planet mobile hangs on the Tolomeo Lamp, while a papier-mache mask is placed on the wall.
Shop Balder's Room